1. Ophelia is told not to get with Hamlet. Laertes says that Hamlet is not allowed to marry who he wants, so even if he does love Ophelia, things won't work out.
2. Ophelia is compared to a flower because she can be ruined just as easily as one. In the large garden of Denmark, she is a beautiful thing that sticks out just like a flower, but because of this is a target for things that would destroy her, like a worm a.k.a Hamlet. Should she get involved with him, her life will be destroyed.
3. Ophelia tells Laertes that because he is her brother she'll take what he says to heart, but she knows what he does in France so she tells him don't be such a hypocrite. Although because he is a man, it's ok for him to run around with lots of women, it wont ruin him. Ophelia however must be pure if she wants to marry.
4. Polonious says to be proper and not vulgar. To listen to those who have something to say, and don't talk too much. (maybe saying Laertes needs to learn when to shut up because he's a little hot tempered... possible foreshadow). Find true friends and dont borrow or spend too much money.
5. Polonius says Ophelia is like a little child for believing that Hamlet would ever love her. He says Hamlet is only concerned about himself.
7. Ophelia is forced to stop seeing Hamlet.
8. Hamlet says that because of their traditions, other countries look at them as partiers and drunks. That even when they achieve something great, it is downplayed by that perception of them, Denmark.
9. Horatio thinks that the ghost may be a demon sent to tempt Hamlet and possibly trick him into suicide.
10. Hamlet tells them to back off and stay put while he follows the ghost.