Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Guests rode for days to get to Arthur's court for Christmas. Once they got there they danced and sang. Arthur's court is more of a place for games and perhaps childishness. However, at the other court Gawain goes to they are more relaxed. There is less dancing and singing, it's perhaps a more serious place. In both courts stories are shared, and both Arthur and the other king want to hear stories. The difference is that Arthur refuses to eat without a story, the other king however just wants a story he'll still eat without one. The knights of the round table pass around gifts and try to guess what they are. The other king's court is a more serious place.

Guinevere sits under silk curtains sewn with gems and precious metals. The story teller also mentions silk curtains in the other king's hall. There are red rings holding up the curtains. Arthur has people playing trumpets, and bright colors on banners hung in the hall. White napkins and silverware are described at the other king's hall. His castle was not described as well as Arthur's, perhaps because the decorations arn't as flamboyant and bright. The importance in this court was less on the decorations and more on conversation.

In Arthur's court there is a sense of happiness and maybe some foolishness. The knights sound like they're getting kind of drunk and playing games. At the other king's court, things are more calm, everyone wants to hear about Gawain and how to act. Gawain is a guest and he's treated very well. Invited to feast and honored. In Arthur's court the guest, who is the green giant, is not invited in, but rather forces his way in. Once inside noone offers him a feast, but he wants to play a game and Arthur lets him.